Wednesday, October 21, 2009


OK so that's a random title, I know. It's just what I have been being since school started when it comes to blogging. Well, if not a slug just an unintersted-in-bloging-burbler-who-has-to-try-to-cope-with-Geometry. You see Geometry is KILLING me, worst class I ever took! SOOOOOO........ about the slug thing? Well I had some time to go outside the other day and guess what I saw? I'm sure right about now you are sitting there going "A slug what else?!" Well no, it really wasn't a slug there. My mom has these beautiful flowers (I forget their name right now) and there were these adorable little ants scurrying all over the buds. Immediately I thought of my blog that I was neglecting and the words "Go to the ant thou sluggard" came into my head. Man, everything I see reminds me of things I have neglected to do whether it be homework, chores, reaind, or giving my brother his daily wedgie (well, just kidding bout the last one :P). SO the point is after wrighting this post I just realized that I had a paper due last month that I need to turn in! OPS!!! Well here are some of the pics I took on that day when I realized my sluggerdness.



  1. glad to see you finally posted! your photography looks so professional! =)

  2. Great photos! The first two are my favourite.
